Upgrade your Knowledge & Recognition Skills
This is for professionals working in the Colon Hydrotherapy Clinic. This professional level training will bring your skills to a level where you can serve your clients better through recognition of their condition and through providing thorough explanation and protocol recommendations.
Recognize the type of Parasites you are seeing in the Clinic
Understand the type of symptoms expressed due to parasitic activity in humans.
Join our online community to aid with recognition of what you are seeing in the Clinic.
How to work with Asymptomatic Clients
Course curriculum
- Welcome Message from Sue Wilson
Parasites in Humans
- Parasites In Humans
- Parasite Presentation I
Parasites Professional Development Paper
- Parasites in Humans Professional Paper
Parasites E-Book (Client Focus)
- The 5 secrets of parasites Ebook
- Parasites Quiz
Next Steps...
- Congratulations
- More resources for you
Brought to you by
Sue Wilson IICT
Founder of Bottoms Up Colonics and Cultured Cuisine. With 20 years clinic experience in gut health plus 20 years experience in emotional health counseling.
Sue has a lifelong passion for helping people achieve emotional, physical and spiritual wellbeing. She founded the business after her own life-changing experience of colonics and is a trained Colon Hydrotherapist and a member of the International Institute for Complementary Therapists (IICT). In 2014, Sue studied with Luis Rojas in LA and is now the IICT’s only approved training provider of Rojas Colon Hydrotherapy in Australia.
Professional Development Hours
Your training made easy via our online system.
At your location, at your own pace.